About Us

This store is about empowerment

What does mind mana mean?

Mana is the source of your magic or special abilities. Without it we can't use a skill, cast a spell or be effective in the application of what is powered by the mana.

IIn the case of this clothing line, it is designed to empower and be proud of the mental helath issues that we are branded with and have to push through or carry on our back.

By wearing something from this line it empowers you, reminds you that you are powerful, resourceful and unique.

We may have mental health struggles but we are not limited or held down by them. The times that we feel we are, these clothes are to remind us that we are strong, brave and able to push through.

The store was started by Trent Dolman

He is diagnosed with Major Deprressive disorter, ADHD, OCHD and suffers from anxiety. 

He understands how far you can fall but also wanted to remind himself and other people like him, that they can be capable of so much. They are his superpowers that he lives with, they pull him down but allow him to be unique and see the world differently.


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